About Us

Welcome to Enki Systems, a family-operated business based in Western Australia, dedicated to smart home automation and safety solutions.

Our Story

Our journey began from a personal need for safety. When our daughter was little, we constantly worried about the possibility of leaving the pool gate open and her accidentally falling in. On a few occasions, we witnessed her fall into the pool right in front of us, which was a terrifying experience.

Being a tech enthusiast, I decided to create a solution. I cobbled together a sensor and a hub to alert us whenever the pool gate was open. It was a lifesaver for us, and our friends soon noticed. They were interested in having similar devices, but I was hesitant to build more due to the complexities involved, such as potential failures with automatic updates.

When I suggested they check out the local hardware stores, we were surprised to find there were no suitable products available. Realizing there was a gap in the market, we decided to turn our personal project into a business.

Fast Forward a Few Years

Today, Enki Systems provides reliable and easy-to-use smart sensors designed to enhance home safety. Our flagship product, GateGuard, helps ensure the safety of your loved ones and pets by alerting you when a gate or door is opened. Ideal for pool gates, dog gates, and kids' areas, GateGuard brings peace of mind to families everywhere.

We are passionate about combining technology and safety to create practical solutions that make everyday life a little easier and a lot safer.

Thank you for visiting our site and supporting our mission to create smarter, safer homes.